Top 10 Climbing Warm-Up Exercises
September 16, 2020 by Livwell Squamish
Here are 10 warm-up exercises to get you ready for your climbing
session. Do 1 set of each for a warm-up… or do 3 sets of each for a little conditioning training that you can do from home on a rest day.
1. Finger flossing. (10x)
- Flex the fingers from the proximal interphalengial joint
- Flex the finges from the metacarpo-phalangial joint
- Close the fist placing the finger tips on the palm
- Reverse the steps to bring your hands back to an open position
2. Antagonist muscle activation: extensor’s isometric
- Use an elastic band (ie. Finger elastic, broccoli elastic, theraband etc…)
- Open fingers against the elastic resistance -> hold 3 sec (x10)
- Open fingers against elastic resistance -> hold 5 sec (x10)
- *number of repetitions may be increased or decreased depending on your elastics resistance
3. Arm oscillation (10x) forward & side ways
- Strong foundation & CORE activated
- Move your arms straight forward doing pulse/oscillation, palm up
- Keep the pulse to bring your arms back down, palm down
- Do 5x forward and 5x side ways
4. Arm swing (20x) forward & side ways
- Strong fondation & CORE activated
- Palm up, move your arms straight forward
- Palm down, bring your arms back down
- Do 10x forward and 10x side ways
5. Arm & forearm nerve and fascia flossing (10x)
- Start with both arms lifted straight out on each side
- Extend the right hand up and flex the left hand down
- Bend your head to the side your hand is up (right side first)
- Alternate position of your hands moving your head side to side
6. One leg flag (10x)
- Stand on one foot: keeping hips stable and knees pointing forward
- Cross the floating leg behind the standing leg without putting weight on it
- Stretch both arms diagonally in opposite directions, keeping your balance
- Alternate sides
7. Lunge + twist (10x)
- Lunge position: Right leg to the front with a 90 degree knee bend +
left leg to the back with 90 degree knee bend - Keep your right knee above your foot and a straight posture through your spine
- Rotate your upper body to face right
- Repeat by alternating sides
8. YWT modified (10x)
- Y: From flat on the ground, lift both arms straight up at a 45 degree angle, with thumbs pointing up.
- W: Bend elbows to bring arms towards your side at a less than 90 degree angle
- T: Extend elbows out to the side, straightening your arms, and turning your thumbs down
- Inverse Y: lower arms down to a 45 degree angle, keeping thumbs down
9.Bird dog (10x)
- Table four position, CORE contracted
- Lift up and straightened opposite arm and leg
- Alternate with other side, keeping the CORE engaged at all time
10. Plank: ventral / side / side / ventral
- 30 sec ventral plank
- 30 sec side plank (right side)
- 30 sec side plank (left side)
- 30 sec ventral plank